videopokerroyalflush2000| Weixun's share price fell 14.38% and its market value fell by US$291 million


21:31 on May 22, 2024, Beijing time, VSATVideopokerroyalflush2000(.us) the stock fluctuated and the stock price plummeted by 14.38%. As of press time, the stock was trading at US $16.13 per share, with a turnover of 145046 shares, a turnover rate of 0.12% and an amplitude of 4.99%.

Recent earnings data show that the stock achieved operating income of $1.129 billion, net profit of-$124 million, earnings per share of-$0.99, gross profit of $270 million and a price-to-earnings ratio of-1.77 times.

In terms of institutional ratings, of all the nine agencies that participated in the rating, 44% of the brokerages gave buy advice, 56% gave hold advice, and no brokerage gave sell advice.

Weixun shares in the communications company industry, the overall increase of 0.08%. Among its related stocks, Akoustis TechnologiesVideopokerroyalflush2000, Inc., Mobilicom Ltd C/Wts 31 Compact 08 swap 2027 (To Pur Ord), Siyata Mobile, Inc. Siyata Mobile, Inc., Akoustis Technologies, Inc., Ast Spacemobile, Inc. It is more active, with turnover rates of 1072.03%, 201.55% and 0.28% respectively. The related stocks with larger amplitudes are Akoustis Technologies, Inc., Siyata Mobile, Inc., Minim, and Inc., whose amplitudes are 32.61%, 23.75% and 9.29%, respectively.

videopokerroyalflush2000| Weixun's share price fell 14.38% and its market value fell by US1 million

Brief introduction of Weixun CompanyVideopokerroyalflush2000Viasat Inc is divided into three divisions to provide bandwidth technology and services: the satellite services department, which provides high-speed satellite-based broadband services to consumers, enterprises and commercial airlines; the commercial network department, which develops end-to-end communication and connection systems; and the government systems department, which develops network-centric government secure communication systems based on Internet protocols Most of the company's revenue comes from the United States and the rest from the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region.

At the news level, as of 21:31, "Earnings Call Summary | Viasat (VSAT.US) Q4 2024 Earnings Conference" information is an important information affecting Weixun Company. The information is summarized as follows: capital expenditure for fiscal year 2024 decreased to approximately $1.5 billion, mainly due to satellite system delays and investment priorities. After a restructuring aimed at improving the company's internal efficiency and productivityVideopokerroyalflush2000They managed to further reduce capital expenditure by about $175 million. More details: Viasat IR.

(the above content is Portfolio based on public information, intelligently generated by programs or algorithms, only as a reference for users to view the market, not as investment advice or transaction basis. The stock market is risky, please make a careful decision. )